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Tarot Card Meanings:
The Lovers

The Lovers: Overview and Symbols

The Lovers is card number six in the Major Arcana. It represents harmony, partnership, and the choices we make in relationships. This card signifies deep connections, love, and the importance of aligning values and desires with those of a partner.

Some Specific Symbols and Their Meanings in the Rider Waite Smith Tarot:

  • Man and woman: Symbolize partnership, duality, and union.

  • Angel above them: Represents divine guidance, blessing, and higher spiritual connection.

  • Tree of Knowledge behind the woman: Signifies wisdom, choice, and the consequences of decisions.

  • Tree of Life behind the man: Reflects vitality, growth, and the physical aspect of existence.

  • Mountain in the background: Indicates challenges, aspirations, and the potential for growth.

  • Sun shining above: Symbolizes clarity, enlightenment, and the warmth of a harmonious relationship.
the lovers from the rider waite smith tarot
The Lovers as depicted in the Rider-Waite Smith Tarot by A.E. White, illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith

The Lovers: Tarot Card Meanings

Keywords/Phrases: Harmony, partnership, choices, love, alignment, deep connection, union, values.

The Lovers in the tarot signifies harmony and deep connections in relationships, emphasizing the importance of partnership and alignment of values and desires. This card represents the choices we make in love and relationships, highlighting the significance of mutual respect and understanding. It reflects a union where both parties bring out the best in each other, guided by love and a higher spiritual connection. The Lovers encourages you to consider your relationships carefully, ensuring that your actions and decisions are in harmony with your true self and the values you hold dear.

The Lovers: Reversed Tarot Card Meanings

Keywords/Phrases: Disharmony, imbalance, misalignment, conflict, indecision, broken relationships, lack of communication, strained connections.

When the Lovers appears reversed in a tarot reading, it signifies disharmony and imbalance in relationships, where misalignment and conflict may prevail. This card suggests indecision and a lack of communication, leading to strained connections and potential separation. It reflects the challenges of maintaining a harmonious partnership and the difficulties that arise when values and desires are not aligned. The reversed Lovers urge you to address these conflicts and seek clarity in your relationships, focusing on honest communication and efforts to realign with your partner to restore balance and harmony.

Gallery: The Lovers in Various Tarot Decks

The four Lovers cards from the Star Spinner Tarot by Trungles
The four Lovers cards from Star Spinner Tarot
by Trungles