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Tarocchi Fool’s Journey: Card 6 (The Lovers)

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In the beginning, there was the Fool; and the Major Arcana plays out the rest of his tale. “The Fool’s Journey” is a fascinating and important concept for both beginners and tarot pros alike. Come along with me as I revisit this journey through 22 cards from 22 different decks.

The four Lovers cards from the Star Spinner Tarot by Trungles
Featuring: The four Lovers cards from the Star Spinner Tarot by Trungles

The Lovers: Choosing Love

Despite finding a sense of belonging with groups of people with shared culture and beliefs, the Fool starts yearning for a more intimate and personal connection. The Lovers card symbolizes Fool’s choice to love another, and the experience of that union of two hearts in mutual love, honesty, respect, and understanding. Here the Fool learns that love is not just about that feeling of connection and adoration—it’s also about making choices. Choosing love (whether self-love or love for another) and standing for what matters to us is not always easy, but that’s part of what makes true love so beautiful.

Trungles‘ Star Spinner Tarot includes FOUR different Lovers cards, each illustrating love in one of its many, many forms. While it’s easy think of the Lovers as purely referencing romantic love, I believe, and I have seen this card signify different kinds of love, whether romantic, platonic, or familial. Love is love is love, and when you feel that strong connection with another human being, it truly is the greatest thing. As that popular quote from Moulin Rouge says: “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.”

What do you think of when you see the Lovers? Does this card resonate with your own journey at the moment? Feel free to share your thoughts in a comment below!

Originally posted on Instagram

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