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Dear Tarot Client: Be Kind

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photo of three cards from the sunchild affirmation cards
Cards from the Sunchild Affirmation Cards deck

Dear Tarot Client: Remember that tarot readers are HUMANS deserving of kindness and compassion, too. You don’t have to walk on eggshells to be kind to a tarot reader—a little consideration goes a long way. Here are a few specific tips:

Be polite and mindful when interacting with a reader.

Say “please” and “thank you”. When offering criticism, make sure it’s CONSTRUCTIVE and not just a mean statement. Read and reread that DM or comment before pressing send. What’s casual and inoffensive to you may be hurtful or insensitive to someone else!

And please don’t be demanding, ESPECIALLY of the readers offering readings for free or for low prices. Don’t nag readers for content or information or card pulls. Don’t barge into our DMs, IG/TikTok lives, or comments with an entitled attitude.

Respect readers’ rules and boundaries.

Readers have specific processes, rules, and limitations for their readings. As a querent, you should familiarize yourself with these and respect them. Don’t demand special treatment or be rude to the reader just because you don’t want to follow their rules and process.

Be supportive.

Share and save your favorite readers’ content. Like and comment on their posts. Interact with their stories. Refer them to your friends. Don’t just follow for free pulls then unfollow as soon as you get your card.

It honestly just boils down to being a decent human being.

I haven’t had to directly remind a tarot client of these things for a while, but I know younger, less experienced readers who are constantly dealing with rude, insensitive, disrespectful (and even hateful) querents. Please don’t be one of those jerks. 🙏

“But El,” you say. “Shouldn’t a tarot reader be responsible for protecting themselves from abusive querents?” Well, Of COURSE they should be.

BUT shouldn’t a tarot client also be responsible for remembering to treat a fellow human being with kindness and respect? Of COURSE they should be. ✌️

Originally posted on my Instagram account in January 2021.


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