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Tarot Card Meanings:
Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups: Overview and Symbols

The Queen of Cups symbolizes emotional depth, intuition, and compassion. She is depicted sitting on a throne by the water, holding a cup adorned with angelic figures, signifying her connection to the divine and her deep, empathetic nature. This card represents a nurturing and sensitive person who is in touch with their emotions and the feelings of others. 

Some Specific Symbols and Their Meanings in the Rider Waite Smith Tarot

  • Queen on a throne by the water: Represents emotional depth and connection to the subconscious.
  • Cup with angelic figures: Symbolizes intuition, spirituality, and divine connection.
  • Calm water: Reflects inner peace and emotional stability.
  • Throne adorned with sea motifs: Indicates the queen’s dominion over emotions and the fluid nature of feelings.
  • Cloak with flowing patterns: Suggests a harmonious flow of emotions and compassion.
  • Foot touching the water: Emphasizes her connection to her feelings and intuition.


A note on interpreting Court Cards: Court cards like Queens can represent the querent or someone else in the querent’s life. Be mindful of the context in which court cards appear.

queen of cups from the rider waite smith tarot
The Queen of Cups as depicted in the Rider-Waite Smith Tarot by A.E. White, illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith

Queen of Cups: Tarot Card Meanings

Keywords/Phrases: Emotional depth, intuition, compassion, nurturing, empathy, inner wisdom, sensitivity, psychic abilities.

The Queen of Cups in the Tarot embodies emotional depth, intuition, and compassion. She is a nurturing figure, deeply in touch with her own emotions and those of others. Her presence signifies a time to trust your intuition and inner wisdom, approaching situations with kindness and understanding. The Queen of Cups encourages empathy and sensitivity, urging you to connect with your feelings and the feelings of those around you. She represents the harmonious flow of emotions and the importance of nurturing relationships and providing emotional support.

Queen of Cups: Reversed Tarot Card Meanings

Keywords/Phrases: Emotional instability, insecurity, codependency, lack of boundaries, repressed feelings, overly sensitive, blocked intuition.

When the Queen of Cups appears reversed in a tarot reading, it signifies emotional instability and insecurity. This card suggests difficulties in managing emotions, leading to mood swings, repressed feelings, or emotional overwhelm. It warns of becoming overly sensitive or losing touch with intuition. The reversed Queen of Cups may indicate codependency and a lack of healthy boundaries, highlighting the need to find balance and self-care. It serves as a reminder to address emotional issues, regain stability, and reconnect with inner wisdom.

Gallery: Queen of Cups in Various Tarot Decks

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