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Tarocchi Fool’s Journey: Card 3 (The Empress)

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In the beginning, there was the Fool; and the Major Arcana plays out the rest of his tale. “The Fool’s Journey” is a fascinating and important concept for both beginners and tarot pros alike. Come along with me as I revisit this journey through 22 cards from 22 different decks.

A photo of the Empress card by Casimir
Featuring: The Empress by CASIMIR

The Empress: Feel the Mother's Love

With a newfound sense of self-awareness, the Fool gazes at his surroundings with fresh eyes, taking in all the sights, sounds, and sensations of the world around him. At this stage in his journey, he starts appreciating the bounty and love imparted by the Divine Mother. The Fool realizes that her love is not only found in his own mother, but within himself as well–and in everything around him. Her nurturing love fills his entire being to overflowing, lending him support and care as he continues on his way.

CASIMIR depicts the Empress in all her beauty and bounty–surrounded by rich fields of golden grains and flowing water, golden scepter in her hand, and with stars as her crown. While these are also the objects and symbols found in the traditional Rider Waite Smith deck, Casimir’s vivid color palette and intricate patterns give her a sense of abundance and fertililty truly worthy of her title.

What do you think of when you see The Empress? Does this card resonate with your own journey at the moment? Feel free to share your thoughts in a comment below!

Originally posted on Instagram

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