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Tarot Card Meanings:
King of Wands

King of Wands: Overview and Symbols

The King of Wands represents leadership, vision, and dynamic energy. Depicting a king holding a blossoming wand, this card signifies confidence, ambition, and the ability to inspire others while pursuing bold and creative goals.

Some Specific Symbols and Their Meanings in the Rider Waite Smith Tarot

  • King holding a blossoming wand: Symbolizes leadership, growth, and dynamic creativity.
  • Lizard/salamander at his feet: Represents adaptability, transformation, and protection.
  • Throne adorned with lions and salamanders: Reflects strength, courage, and the power to overcome challenges.
  • Cloak with bright colors: Indicates vitality, passion, and a vibrant approach to life.
  • Forward-facing posture: Suggests confidence, readiness, and a proactive attitude toward achieving goals.


A note on interpreting Court Cards: Court cards like Kings can represent the querent or someone else in the querent’s life. Be mindful of the context in which court cards appear.

king of wands from the rider waite smith tarot
The King of Wands as depicted in the Rider-Waite Smith Tarot by A.E. White, illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith

King of Wands: Tarot Card Meanings

Keywords/Phrases: Leadership, vision, confidence, ambition, dynamic energy, inspiration, creativity, boldness.

The King of Wands in the tarot signifies strong leadership and a visionary approach to achieving goals. This card represents confidence and ambition, embodying the ability to inspire others and take decisive action. It reflects a dynamic and creative energy that drives you to pursue bold ideas and initiatives with passion and determination. The King of Wands encourages you to embrace your leadership qualities, trust in your vision, and take charge in manifesting your goals, knowing that your enthusiasm and decisiveness will lead to success.

King of Wands: Reversed Tarot Card Meanings

Keywords/Phrases: Impulsiveness, arrogance, lack of direction, overbearing, misused power, impatience, failed leadership.

When the King of Wands appears reversed in a tarot reading, it signifies impulsiveness and a lack of direction, where ambition may turn into arrogance or overbearing behavior. This card suggests a misuse of power and leadership, leading to impatience and potentially reckless decisions. It reflects a failure to harness creative energy effectively, resulting in frustration or strained relationships. The reversed King of Wands urges you to reassess your approach, temper your enthusiasm with patience, and ensure that your leadership is grounded in wisdom and respect for others, rather than driven by ego or impulsive desires.

Gallery: King of Wands in Various Tarot Decks

page of wands, knight of wands, and king of wands from the tarot of the golden wheel by mila losenko
King of Cups (right) from Tarot of the Golden Wheel
by Mila Losenko